To join just email us your name, mailing address and cell number to gjgivingclub@gmail.com. Our membership fees are $80 per cycle of four meetings. Mail your membership fee to THE GIVING CLUB, P.O. Box 1382, Grand Junction, CO 81502 OR Venmo it to @judy-vanderleest Once your membership fee is received you are considered an official member.
By becoming a member you have committed to writing a $100 check to the chosen nonprofit at each meeting regardless of whether or not you are able to attend. If you are unable to attend you will receive an email letting you know which local nonprofit to write your $100 check. Your options for payment: prepay for the entire year and have The Giving Club take care of the rest; write a $100 check after each meeting to the selected nonprofit and then mail it to The Giving Club, PO Box 1382, Grd Jct, CO 81502; or send the money via the VENMO app to @judy-vanderleest
ALWAYS send your checks through The Giving Club so that we can keep track of who has paid.